Reddish Knob


Reddish Knob is one of our most iconic bike rides. One of the highest peaks in Virginia, Reddish sits at 4,397’ on the state line of Virginia and West Virginia. You pass over the state line a few times as you arrive at the summit.

Our route is 58 miles with 4800’ of climbing, and includes beautiful views, rolling hills, and of course, the climb up Reddish Knob.

The 3200’ climb is well worth the effort - cyclists are rewarded with a 360 degree view of the Shenandoah Valley, the Blue Ridge Mountains, and the Allegheny Mountains.

For locals, summitting Reddish Knob by bike is almost a right of passage, or a bucket list ride to check off, and quickly turns into a regular Spring and Summer ride destination.

Click the image to visit the Bike Route

Click the image to visit the Bike Route


Key Route Points

Food & Water

One of our favorite local gas stations, the Briery Branch Store/257 Grocery can be visited twice on this route, if you so choose - once before the climb and once before heading home. It sits at miles 19 and 42, respectively. It has water, soda/pop, candy, snacks, chips… all the goods!


Briery Branch Reservoir

Keep an eye out for Bald Eagles, Indigo Buntings, Monarch Butterflies, and more! Right after you pass the reservoir, you’ll get a small descent, and then it gets real steep for a bit as you continue to climb up the mountain.

You’ll notice a “6” spray painted on the right side of the road. This designates the 6 miles remaining to reach the top of the climb. You’ll also see “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0.5” as you make your way up the road. I think a lot of folks would agree with me that the “toughest” section is probably between mile markers 4 and 3. You cross to different sides of a ridge a few times and go around some steeper turns; the turns kind of play mind tricks on you and it always seems like you’re further than you are.

At mile marker 3, you’ll have half a mile before you reach the saddle and make the left turn off of Briery Branch Road to continue the rest of the way.

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The Saddle

This is where you will turn left off the main road, and continue another 2.5 miles to the summit.

There will be some relief with a few downhills, but there are also a few steep buddies in there.

The views start to get really good after you make the saddle turn. Looking into West Virginia, in addition to the never ending mountain ridges, you’ll see some big satellites that were part of a Naval base - kind of cool; I believe they’re just communication satellites now.

Half a mile to go

You’ll know you have 0.5 miles to go when you are riding on the ridge of the mountain and can see views to both Virginia and West Virginia. It’s beautiful in every season, and always gets me extra pumped to reach the summit!


Reddish Knob:

Coming around that last turn you’re greeted by all sorts of fun graffiti - some goofy and happy, some sharing colorful words (haha) - it’s always fun to see what new art has been added! The view is magical, make sure you take it all in!


The descent & Return Home

With any ride we share, we encourage every cyclist to ride safely and within their means. All of the roads on this route are public and see some automobile traffic. The actual road to Reddish Knob is quite narrow, and though it is fast and beautiful, please watch for oncoming traffic. Also, the slower you go means the more views you’ll get to take in!

The beautiful riding doesn’t end after you have come down the mountain. Nazarene Church and Thomas Spring are two of my absolute favorite valley roads! And if you happen to catch a tailwind home, they are extra fun! :)



Strava Route


Strava Segments: The most popular segment individuals look at for the climb of Reddish Knob is called “Reddish Knob from the turn” and can be found on our route.

Reddish holds a special place in my (Kelly’s) heart. It’s one of the climbs I have come to know so well that I can remember all the surface changes, potholes, grade changes, and erosion spots for the entire climb. So if you have any other questions about this route, I’m more than happy to answer.

Favorite go-to snacks from the 257 Store - Cherry Coke, Salt & Vinegar Chips, and Watermelon Sourpatch Kids

Favorite Spray Paint/Graffiti so far - SPONGEBOB (the unicorn is a close second)!

All photos are by Jess Daddio.

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